How Does Reading Hub Support Remote Learning with Its Digital Library Platform for Schools?

Ironically, a digital library platform for schools could have been exactly what educators needed in March 2020. Personally, I know the mention of ‘remote learning’ still sends a chill down my spine.

Endless zoom meetings, hand delivering worksheets and the distinct lack of boundaries had many teachers burned out.

This is where a digital library platform for schools can be a huge helping hand. Not just in times of crisis, but in calmer times too.

Whilst there were some challenging moments during the times of remote learning, it’s also given schools an opportunity to adapt and learn.

Additionally, the need for digital library platforms for schools is even more paramount with 14% of primary schools not having a dedicated library area and primary school library budgets decreasing by 16% compared to the previous year (Improving children’s access to books, GOV, June 2023).

But, how are digital learning platforms for schools relevant in primary education?

Digital library platform for schools bring books to life, anytime, anywhere

In today’s world, where learning from home has become a big part of how pupils study, it’s super important to have access to great books and resources no matter where you are.

That’s where Reading Hub shines! It opens up a world of 3000 eBooks for pupils in UK primary schools, making it easy to keep reading and exploring, whether you’re in the classroom or snuggled up at home.

Books on demand

Reading Hub is all about giving pupils the keys to a treasure of books. With just a few taps on a tablet, phone, or computer, they can start reading any book from an amazing collection. This means they can keep reading their favourite stories or discover new ones, no matter where they are, making learning from home simple and (more importantly) enjoyable!

Books That Feel Like They Were Picked Just for You

What’s really great about Reading Hub is how it knows what kind of books pupils might like and suggests them. It’s like having a peer who knows exactly what they love to read. This way, every pupil gets to go on their own reading adventure, moving at their own pace and exploring books that interest them the most.

Take the time out of tracking

Teachers and school leaders get to use a special part of Reading Hub where they can see how much pupils are reading and what books they’re loving. This helps them know when to give pupils a high-five for reading achievements or offer a helping hand if they’re stuck. They can also look at individual reading logs to see thoughts on the books they’ve read, making it easy to chat about the reading journey, even from afar.

Making Reading Collaborative

Reading Hub isn’t just about reading quietly by yourself; it’s about sharing the adventure with friends, family, and teachers. Pupils can leave comments on the books they’ve read, sharing what they think and feeling like part of a reading community. This makes reading more fun and helps everyone stay connected and engaged, even when they’re not in the same room.

Connecting Home and School Like Never Before

Reading Hub does a fantastic job of making sure that whether pupils are at home or at school, their reading adventure continues. Teachers can easily invite pupils to join the app and start exploring, ensuring that the learning journey is smooth and exciting, no matter where it happens.

The Bottom Line

Reading Hub is a game-changer for remote learning, turning it into an exciting adventure filled with endless books and stories. It’s not just about making sure pupils have something to read; it’s about creating a lively, engaging, and personalised reading experience that lights up their imagination and keeps them curious and motivated.

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A Reading Hub original symbol for eBooks.

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