Key Findings

This case study explores the implementation of Reading Hub, a digital library solution, at Mosscroft Primary School. With below-average Free School Meals (FSM) eligibility and above-average reading levels, the initiative aimed to sustain reading engagement, improve access to books, and increase parental involvement. The study focused on 20 pupils across Key Stage 2 (10 in the intervention group using Reading Hub and 10 in the control group using traditional methods), demonstrating positive impacts within the intervention group.

The findings showed that the intervention class using Reading Hub experienced a 66% increase in average weekly reading time and a 166% increase in the average number of books read per month. Additionally, the average reading age in the intervention class increased by 25%. Parental involvement also significantly improved in the intervention class, with 85% of parents reporting increased engagement. The study highlights the effectiveness of digital reading resources in enhancing reading engagement, proficiency, and parental involvement.

School Objectives

  • Enhance educational outcomes for all pupils through targeted reading interventions and tailored learning resources.
  • Improve access to a wide range of age-appropriate reading materials across all year groups to foster a culture of literacy.
  • Empower teachers with comprehensive dashboards and reading recommendations to facilitate personalised support and engagement strategies.

Aim of the Case Study

This case study showcases how the introduction of Reading Hub at Mosscroft Primary School significantly enhanced reading engagement, book accessibility, and parental involvement, thereby advancing the school’s literacy development efforts.

Current Challenges:

  • Continuity of Reading Outside of School: Ensuring consistent reading habits beyond school hours, particularly for pupils lacking resources or encouragement at home.
  • Support and Involvement from Parents: Encouraging active parental engagement and support in their children’s reading, addressing obstacles such as time constraints and unfamiliarity with suitable reading materials.
  • Reading Materials and Access: Providing diverse and accessible reading resources both within the school and at home, including updating and expanding the book collection to cater to varied reading levels and interests.

Implementation Process:

  • Control Group Study Design: Twenty pupils across Key Stage 2 were divided into intervention and control groups. The intervention group used Reading Hub, while the control group continued with traditional reading methods.
  • Mobile App for Pupils: The intervention class was given access to the Reading Hub mobile app, allowing them to choose from a selection of 3000 eBooks to read on digital devices both at school and at home.
  • Web App for Teachers: Teachers and school leaders in the intervention class used the web app to access reading materials in class and monitor reading engagement, such as time spent reading and number of books read, to identify which families and pupils were engaging most or needed more support with the technology.
  • Onboarding and Training: Teachers received training on how to use Reading Hub effectively. Parents were provided with information and guidance on supporting their children’s reading at home using the app.

Method of Testing:

  • Reading Age: Pupils’ reading ages were measured termly throughout the academic year using standardised reading assessments. Each term, both the intervention group (using Reading Hub) and the control group (following traditional reading methods) underwent these assessments to track progress. This approach allowed for a detailed comparison of reading age improvements between the two groups. 
  • Reading Engagement: Reading engagement was measured for the control group by tracking time spent reading, the number of books read, and pupil enjoyment through self-reported surveys. The control group used paper reading logs maintained by teachers and parents to do this. The intervention group’s reading engagement was collected via Reading Hub’s engagement dashboard.

Problems Faced:

  • Initial challenges with device compatibility and internet connectivity were resolved through robust technical support and regular maintenance checks.
  • Regular meetings, workshops, newsletters, and social media updates focused on Reading Hub’s impact, supported by parent portals within the app, ensured sustained parental involvement.
  • Standardised assessments, progress tracking tools, and regular feedback sessions enabled tailored interventions and adjustments across diverse age groups.


  • Average reading time per pupil per week increased by an average of 66% in the intervention group, from 60 minutes to 100 minutes. In the control group, reading time per pupil per week increased by 16%, from 60 minutes to 70 minutes.
  • Average number of books read per pupil per month rose from 3 to 8, representing a 166% increase in book consumption. With the control group, their average number of books remained the same at 4.
  • Pupils in the intervention group demonstrated measurable improvements in their reading levels, achieving an average increase of 26% in reading comprehension and fluency assessments compared to their peers in the control group.
  • Surveys and interviews highlighted a significant increase in parental engagement in reading activities. In the intervention group, 85% of parents reported actively participating in their children’s reading journey, compared to 60% before the implementation of Reading Hub. Additionally, 90% of parents felt more informed about their children’s progress and were more likely to discuss books and reading habits at home.
  • 70% of parents preferred to use Reading Hub and the parents from the intervention class felt better informed about their children’s reading progress. Parents felt that Reading Hub helped to “find books that my child loves” and were “grateful for how it’s making learning at home more engaging.”


The introduction of Reading Hub at Mosscroft Primary School led to marked improvements in reading engagement, book accessibility, and parental involvement. By overcoming challenges and fostering a culture of reading, the school effectively improved its educational environment. The controlled study highlighted Reading Hub’s efficacy compared to traditional methods, demonstrating its potential to elevate literacy outcomes in similar educational settings.