How Does Reading Hub’s eBook Library Support All Abilities in Primary School Pupils?

How many hats does a teacher wear? It’s a trick question because most of us have lost count. With the huge range of needs, abilities and backgrounds in UK classrooms today, teachers need to be as flexible as possible with their teaching methods.

This pressure has mounted over the years as the number of pupils with SEND has risen to more than 1.5 million. In fact, in an average primary school, you’ll find 2.5% of pupils have an EHCP and 13.5% receive SEN support (Special educational needs in England, GOV, June 2024).

We think there’s a solution to this pressure. Reading Hub’s eBook library for primary school pupils is filled with over 3000 eBooks. But these aren’t just any books. They’re the best and most current children’s eBooks available. Meaning that there’s something for every reader. In addition, pupils can access these ebooks on tablets or mobiles in school or at home.

Here’s what you can expect from our eBook library for primary school pupils:

Early Readers: Books with large text, simple sentences, and high-frequency words to support pupils just starting their reading journey.

Chapter Books for Developing Readers: Slightly more complex stories divided into chapters, but still with supportive illustrations and engaging plots to build stamina and comprehension.

Diverse Cultures and Languages: Books that include stories from a variety of cultures and languages, supporting pupils from different backgrounds and those learning new languages.

Inclusive Stories: Stories featuring characters with diverse abilities, experiences, and backgrounds, ensuring every pupil can see themselves represented in their reading material.

Interactive eBooks: Books that incorporate interactive elements like animations, games, or puzzles to engage reluctant readers or support learners with different learning styles.

Educational Non-Fiction: Non-fiction books covering a wide range of interests and academic subjects, such as science, history, technology, and the arts.

Graphic Novels and Comics: These visually driven stories can be particularly appealing to reluctant readers and visual learners, covering genres from superheroes to historical events, presented in an accessible and engaging format.

Books Just for You

Every pupil is special with their own likes and how easy or hard reading can be for them. Reading Hub has so many books that every pupil can find one they love. They can pick books that match what they like and what they’re good at reading. This helps pupils feel good about reading and want to read more.

Teachers Can See How Pupils Are Doing

Teachers and school leaders can see how much their pupils are reading. They can see how many books pupils have read, how long they’ve read for, and even notes or comments about what you’re reading. 

Reading at School and Home

With Reading Hub’s, pupils can read anywhere! It makes it easy to keep reading at home, too. Families can see how their children are doing and talk about the books they’re reading. This makes reading something fun and a shared experience.

Everyone’s A Reader

Reading Hub is more than just books online; it’s a safe and secure place where pupils can engage with the books they love and write comments about them too!

Reading Hub’s eBook library is a place for all pupils in primary school to find books they’ll love. It helps everyone fall in love with reading, makes reading fun at home and school, and lets everyone join in.

With Reading Hub, every pupil gets a chance to love reading.

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