Art of reading management

What is a Digital Reading Log?

A digital reading log is a modern tool for tracking reading activities. It’s especially useful in educational settings, where teachers can monitor and support students’ reading habits. Here’s a breakdown of what a digital reading log typically includes and how it can be beneficial:

  1. Key Components:

    • Book Details: It usually contains information like the book’s name, author, and genre.
    • Reading Data: Details about the reading sessions, such as pages read per session or total number for the book, and time spent reading are logged.
    • Personal Notes: Some digital reading logs allow for additional notes or comments, which can be useful for students to reflect on the book or for teachers to understand their engagement.
  2. Benefits for Teachers and Students:

    • Organized Tracking: Teachers can easily keep track of the books their students are reading. They can monitor how often students are engaging with their reading tasks.
    • Easy Access and Searchability: A digital format makes it easy to search for specific entries, which is helpful in managing and reviewing students’ reading progress.
    • Enhanced Engagement: By actively using the log, both teachers and students can gain insights into reading patterns, preferences, and areas for improvement.
  3. Considerations and Drawbacks:

    • Time Investment: Maintaining a digital reading log requires regular updates, which can be seen as an additional task by some.
    • Perspective on Reading: If not used thoughtfully, it might make reading more like a task rather than a pleasurable activity. This is especially true if students feel pressured to read just for the sake of filling the log.
A teacher showing her children a board with digital reading log on it.

Reading Hub's Digital Reading Log

Welcome to Reading Hub’s Digital Reading Log. It’s a dynamic tool designed to transform the way teachers and school leaders monitor and support their students’ reading journeys.

Class-by-Class Overview:

  • All Books at a Glance: Get a comprehensive view of what each class is reading. This feature displays all the books currently being read or completed by pupils in a particular class.
  • Time and Date Tracking: Each book entry comes with detailed information about when the pupils read, helping you track their reading habits over time.
  • Interactive Comments: Dive deeper into each reading session with comments left by pupils or their parents. These insights can be invaluable in understanding students’ thoughts and experiences with their reading material.
A screenshot of Reading Hub's class by class Digital Reading Record.
Reading Hub's Class by Class Digital Reading Log

Learner-by-Learner Detail:

  • Individual Reading Profiles: Every pupil has a unique reading profile. Here, you can see a detailed list of books each student is reading or has completed.
  • Personalized Insights: Alongside each book, find specific details like the time and date of reading sessions. This allows for a personalised approach in supporting each pupils’s reading development.
  • Engaging with Feedback: The platform not only shows what students are reading but also allows you to view and interact with comments made by pupils and their parents. This opens up opportunities for meaningful discussions and encouragement.

Why Reading Hub’s Log?

  • Easy and Efficient: Designed with teachers in mind, this digital reading log simplifies the tracking process, making it easier than ever to stay on top of each student’s reading progress.
  • Enhancing Learning: By offering insights into reading habits and preferences, teachers can tailor their instruction and recommendations to better suit each pupil’s needs.
  • Building Connections: This tool bridges the gap between home and school, fostering a collaborative environment where teachers, pupils, and parents can work together to enhance the reading experience.


Reading Hub’s Digital Reading Log is more than just a tracking tool; it’s a gateway to nurturing a lifelong love for reading in students and creating a culture of reading within each school.

A screenshot of Reading Hub's learner by learner Digital Reading Log.
Reading Hub's Learner by Learner Digital Reading Log

Maximising the Potential of a Digital Reading Log in your Classroom

Embracing a digital reading log in your classroom opens up numerous opportunities for enhancing the reading experience for your pupils. Here are some strategies to maximise the benefits of a digital reading log.

Encourage Regular Updates:

  • Routine Logging: Foster a habit of regular log updates. Encourage pupils to record their reading sessions right after they read. This not only ensures accuracy but also helps inculcate a disciplined approach to reading.
  • Parental Involvement: Involve parents by encouraging them to view and comment on their child’s reading log. This can be a motivating factor for pupils and provides valuable insights for teachers.

Utilize Data for Personalized Teaching:

  • Tailored Recommendations: Use the insights from the reading logs to recommend books that align with each pupil’s interests and reading level. Reading Hub’s log makes it easy to track individual preferences and progress.
  • Address Reading Challenges: Identify patterns that might indicate challenges or areas for improvement. For example, if a pupil consistently spends less time on reading or avoids certain genres, it could be an opportunity for targeted support.

Make it Interactive and Fun:

  • Reading Challenges: Create classroom challenges or goals based on the data from the reading logs. For instance, set a target for the number of books to be read in a term, encouraging friendly competition among pupils.
  • Reward Achievements: Recognize and celebrate milestones and achievements. This could be as simple as acknowledging the completion of a book or reaching a personal best in reading time.

Foster a Reading Community:

  • Class Discussions: Use the log as a basis for class discussions. Discuss common books read by pupils, share experiences, and encourage pupils to talk about their favorite reads.
  • Collaborative Reading Projects: Initiate projects that involve group reading or peer reviews based on the books logged in Reading Hub’s system. This not only promotes reading but also builds essential communication skills.

Integrate with Curriculum:

  • Link to Learning Objectives: Align the use of the log with curriculum goals. For instance, if pupils are learning about a particular historical period, encourage them to log books related to that era.
  • Project-Based Learning: Incorporate the reading log into larger projects or assignments, where pupils can use the books they’ve read as research or inspiration.

Reflect and Adapt:

  • Regular Reviews: Periodically review the reading logs to assess the effectiveness of your strategies. This reflection can help in fine-tuning your approach to meet the evolving needs of your pupils.
  • Feedback Loops: Encourage feedback from pupils and parents on the digital reading log experience. Their insights can be invaluable in making the tool more engaging and beneficial.

By integrating these practices with Reading Hub’s Digital Reading Log, you can significantly enhance the reading culture in your classroom. The key is to view the digital reading log not just as a record-keeping tool, but as a dynamic platform for inspiring, tracking, and celebrating the reading journey of each pupil.

A warm classroom featuring digital reading log on the board.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I access Reading Hub’s Digital Reading Log for my class?

    • Answer: To access the digital reading log, log in to your Reading Hub account, and select your class. The digital reading log is available in the dashboard, where you can view all the books being read by your pupils, along with the time, date, and any comments.
  2. Can I track individual pupil’s reading progress?

    • Answer: Yes, you can. On each pupil’s Reading Hub profile, you’ll find a detailed log of the books they’re reading or have read, complete with the times and dates of reading sessions and any comments left by the pupil or their parents.
  3. How can I use the digital reading log to support struggling readers?

    • Answer: The log provides insights into reading habits, allowing you to identify pupils who may need extra support. You can tailor reading assignments to their interests and reading level, and use the comments section to provide personalized feedback and encouragement.
  4. How can I involve parents in using the digital reading log?

    • Answer: While parents don’t have direct access to the log, teachers can share updates and insights from the log during parent-teacher meetings or through regular communications. This helps keep parents informed about their child’s reading progress and how they can support at home.
  5. How can the digital reading log be integrated into our school’s curriculum?

    • Answer: The reading log can be used to track reading assignments related to curriculum topics. It can also be a tool for setting reading goals and evaluating the effectiveness of reading strategies within your curriculum framework.