The Ghostly Guardians of the Castle Front Cover

The Ghostly Guardians of the Castle

By: Mar Ziq

Are you up for an ?xp?ri?nc? unlik? any oth?r? Explor? a haunting castl? with a troop of brav? young ?xplor?rs in “Th? Ghostly Guardians of th? Castl?.” T??ns and young adults who ?njoy myst?ri?s with a twist and stori?s about fri?ndship will ?njoy this pag?-turning nov?l.

Th? thrilling story b?gins wh?n a daring band of t??nag?rs ?mbarks on an ov?rnight stay in a suppos?dly haunt?d castl?. Th? ghostly walls of th? castl? gr??t th?m as th?y ?nt?r, th?ir ominous mutt?rings cr?ating th? mood for a myst?ry waiting to b? solv?d.

Content Age : 8

Reading Age : 8


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