The year is 1917. The place London.
Epitome Quirkstandard is bored with Latin & Classics, he’s a young man in search of an education, and crikey does he find one!
Penelope Penultimate is not the normal sort of aunt, she’s a free-spirited adventurer who knows her own mind and lives in an actual cottage!
Mr Crepuscular is an old man with experience who has written some of the most popular pamphlets of the early twentieth century, and now he is educating Epitome.
Ivor Funicular is a short than average lawyer, who has a deadly secret!
Culminating in a thrilling weekend in the country during which almost anything can happen (and does!), this is truly a book not to be read by anyone of a nervous disposition, children or pregnant women.
Goodness gracious, do stories get much better than this one?