The Christmas Carrolls Front Cover

The Christmas Carrolls

Wish it could be Christmas every day? Well, for nine-year-old Holly Carroll and her family, it is! Living her merriest life in a house with year-round fairy lights and Christmas trees, a carol-singing toilet and a diva monkey who thinks he’s a reindeer, home-schooled Holly tries to spread cheer wherever she goes.

But when she goes to a new school with a singing Santa backpack and first day Christmas cards (during a heatwave in September!), she realizes not everyone shares her enthusiasm for spreading cheer. In fact, when the neighbors try to remove the Carrolls from the street and Holly discovers a group of children that may not get a Christmas at all, her snow globe world begins to crack. Is the world’s most Christmassy girl about to lose her Christmas spirit?

Content Age : 8

Reading Age : 8.06


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