Stick Dog Takes Out Sushi Front Cover

Stick Dog Takes Out Sushi

When Stick Dog and his crew unknowingly discover chopsticks, their taste buds lead them to a lakeside sushi restaurant. They see the sushi. They smell the sushi. But how are they going to get the sushi? Several things stand in Stick Dog’s way. They include a squirrel eating a barbecue potato chip, a runaway canoe, and a little female human.

Stick Dog must navigate around each of these obstacles if he’s ever going to get some sushi for his drooling friends. It’s another wacky food-snatching mission. If Stick Dog fails, Mutt, Karen, Stripes, and Poo-Poo will go to bed with empty stomachs. If he succeeds, it’s sushi for everyone!

Content Age : 7

Reading Age : 8.06


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