My FANGtastically Evil Vampire Pet 03 - Cats in the Crater Front Cover

My FANGtastically Evil Vampire Pet 03 – Cats in the Crater

By: Mo O'Hara

Welcome back to Camp Mwhaaa-haa-ha-a-watha!

My epic summer at Evil Scientist Summer Camp hasn’t gone quite like I planned, but THIS week I will DEFINITELY be Evil Emperor of the Camp. I’ve been stocking up on evil inventions and Fang’s been sharpening her claws. We’re ready for anything!

Okay, so maybe I wasn’t really prepared to find out that Geeky Girl’s grandmother is actually Madame Mako, inventor of the original volcano lair, and ruler of the most famous evil empire ever . . . but, this is going to be GREAT . Geeky Girl can inherit her grandmother’s empire, and I’ll come in as Head Partner, and help teach her the best way to be an evil ruler?with an epically evil crown!

Let our Epic Evil Empire begin!

Content Age : 7

Reading Age : 8.06


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