Glassheart Front Cover


First they defeated Mr. January.

Next they trapped his sister, Mrs. Prosper.

Now Eleanor and her best friends, Pip and Otto, have one last chance to escape the People Who Look Away.

The last of the evil siblings is their most formidable opponent yet, with two vicious hounds at her side and the ability to open roads across time and worlds.

When Eleanor and her friends flee into another world to escape her clutches, they accidentally disrupt the flow of time itself, plunging Eden Eld into chaos. Worse, the trio has a second curse to contend with: they’ve been infected by the Prime Stories, malicious fairy tales that take people over and erase their memories. But the power of these Stories may also hold the key to defeating the People Who Look Away, and Eleanor and her friends must decide what they’re willing to sacrifice to stop the wicked siblings.

Eleanor has already lost so much. She’s not sure if she can stand more heartache. So as the Stories continue to take over, she wonders if forgetting might be better after all. Or can she find a way to be a hero–and still stay Eleanor?

Content Age : 9

Reading Age : 10.06


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