Autumn Eternal Front Cover

Autumn Eternal

Of all the places to grow up, Kip Carringer spent his youth in the secluded little town of Arno. Strange things were common there but no one seemed to notice, except for Kip that is. There was a witch living in the woods and all year long it was Autumn. And as if that’s not strange enough, all the birds around the town and through the woods mooed like cows, instead of chirping or squawking like birds are supposed to do.

Kip was determined to uncover the secrets of the town, all while trying to convince his best friend Marleigh that he wasn’t crazy. However, unknown to Kip, adventure was waiting for him just around the corner. Adventure that would be filled with pie stealing creatures and a dark, dark looming shadow.

Content Age : 9

Reading Age : 10.06


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