Big Panda and Tiny Dragon by James Norbury

Join Big Panda & Tiny Dragon on their travels.

They often get lost and make a lot of mistakes.

But therein lies the beauty of life.

Join the duo on their travels as they get lost, make mistakes, and understand the beauty of life – perfect for your Key Stage 1 class.

Genre:  poetry, friendship, life 

Themes: nature, connection, life lessons

Age: 5-6 years old

Big Panda and Tiny Dragon by James Norbury​ book cover


  • Life lessons: The book is full of lessons to learn like: ‘Be brave. You never know what a first meeting might lead to’. Ask pupils to come up with a line or two about an important life lesson they might want to teach others. (CC link: PSHE).
  • Personal experiences: Pick 2-3 of the life lessons in the book e.g. ‘Mistakes mean you’re trying…Don’t give up.’ Have pupils think about a time in their lives when the life lesson might have applied to them. (CC links: PSHE)
  • Draw it: The book is split into the four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Have pupils draw or sketch an image to represent one of these seasons and include Panda and Dragon. (CC links: Art, Science)
  • What makes Panda?: Create a gingerbread character for Panda. On the inside describe their feelings, thoughts and emotions and on the outside describe their actions and behaviours.  (CC links: English, PSHE)
  • What makes Dragon?: Create a gingerbread character for Dragon. On the inside describe their feelings, thoughts and emotions and on the outside describe their actions and behaviours.  (CC links: English, PSHE)

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