When Anh’s friends leave and he feels left out at school, his anger shows up to keep him company. Anh the protagonist of Gail Silver’s previous book Anh’s Anger, is a typical and easy-to-relate-to elementary school-age boy.
Embark on a journey of discovery with this wonderful tale crafted for young adventurers in EYFS, where each page is a stepping stone to learning.
Genre: anger, friendship, emotions
Age: 4+
1. Anh’s anger has a very unique appearance. Ask pupils to draw what they think their anger looks like? Why have they drawn them that way? (CC: Art)
2. Anh gets angry in the story, but finds a way to calm himself by counting his steps and breathing. What ways do pupils use to calm themselves down? Which ways work for them? As a class can you practice some breathing techniques? (CC: PSHE)
3. There are lots of ways other than walking that can help calm the body. As a class take part in some meditation or yoga to practice some physical ways of letting anger go from the body. (CC: P.E.)
4. Anh was disappointed when his friends no longer wanted to dig with him. As a class discuss the best way to deal with situations like that? What could Anh say? How should Anh behave? What could Anh do instead? (CC: PSHE)
5. Anh says that recess is his favorite time of day. Ask pupils to write a story or draw a picture to show what their favourite time of day is. What are they doing? Why do they like it? How does it make them feel? Who are they with? (CC: English, art, PSHE)