Anh's Anger - Steps and Stones by Gail Silver

When Anh’s friends leave and he feels left out at school, his anger shows up to keep him company. Anh the protagonist of Gail Silver’s previous book Anh’s Anger, is a typical and easy-to-relate-to elementary school-age boy.

Embark on a journey of discovery with this wonderful tale crafted for young adventurers in EYFS, where each page is a stepping stone to learning.

Genre: anger, friendship, emotions

Age: 4+

Anh's Anger 2 - Steps and Stones by Gail Silver book cover​


1. Anh’s anger has a very unique appearance. Ask pupils to draw what they think their anger looks like? Why have they drawn them that way? (CC: Art)

2. Anh gets angry in the story, but finds a way to calm himself by counting his steps and breathing. What ways do pupils use to calm themselves down? Which ways work for them? As a class can you practice some breathing techniques? (CC: PSHE)

3. There are lots of ways other than walking that can help calm the body. As a class take part in some meditation or yoga to practice some physical ways of letting anger go from the body. (CC: P.E.)

4. Anh was disappointed when his friends no longer wanted to dig with him. As a class discuss the best way to deal with situations like that? What could Anh say? How should Anh behave? What could Anh do instead? (CC: PSHE)

5. Anh says that recess is his favorite time of day. Ask pupils to write a story or draw a picture to show what their favourite time of day is. What are they doing? Why do they like it? How does it make them feel? Who are they with? (CC: English, art, PSHE)

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